Lois Pass

Lois Pass

I dreaded the thought of travelling around Australia as my husband usually visited his chiropractor every 2 to 3 weeks so as to keep him mobile. After using a hired Nubax® Trio for one month, we purchased one. We have now been on the road for 6 months – the Nubax®...
Lois Pass

Lindsey Woodland

I am 67 years of age. I have been a bowler for approximately 11 years and have suffered from constant lower back pain for quite a number of years. I recommend the Nubax® Trio to anybody with back problems, especially to all throw bowlers out there who don’t admit it...
Lois Pass

Wendy Harrison

19 years ago I had a car accident that left me with Lumbar disc herniation. Since I have been using the Nubax® apparatus, I haven’t needed any chemical pain relief. No more long drives to see a chiropractor. The savings in time and money were immediate. The Nubax®...
Lois Pass

S. Leach

I wish to express my satisfaction with the Nubax® Trio. Since using it over the last few years my back problems have eased dramatically. I have no hesitation in recommending the Nubax® Trio to other sufferers of back pain, as the machine is easy to use and definitely...
Lois Pass

Colleen Wildman

I received my Nubax® Trio just before last Christmas and immediately started using it and since that time I have not looked back. I am a new me, I don’t rely on pain killers anymore; and I am able to go shopping by myself and push the trolley around-all without...