‘SPINE STRETCH’ CAUTION Don’t be deceived by the hype. Read this notice and make a wise decision about your purchase. To develop an effective stretch, traction, or decompression force for your spine you need to generate sufficient Neuton forces along your spine. The...
Chances are, you’re reading this article with your shoulders slumped, and your head and neck protruded. With many of us spending our days sitting at the computer, not to mention the amount of time we spend on our smart devices, it’s no surprise our postures aren’t...
The health of your spine can significantly dictate how you move, with the spinal column providing the foundations of everyday movements; without a healthy spine, every movement is then altered. If back pain is something you struggle with, here are some small changes...
Vertebrae – the interlocking bones that form the spinal column – drive the momentum of our movement. But shortened hip flexors and tight muscles, particularly those in the hamstrings and chest, can affect the spine’s alignment… as can slouching in front of the...
Common Back Pain Ever since man stood upright gravity has been compressing our spines, and today’s modern lifestyle has only exacerbated the problem. Sitting for long periods, bending, lifting, twisting and generally subjecting our spines to jars and jolts that they...
Hello, my name is Dr Garret Kow; I’m one of the chiropractors from the Melville Wellness Centre and I just wanted to share with you all a little about what I do as a chiropractor. I see my role as a chiropractor as a healthcare provider who looks after the health and...